
That´s me









Thome Christina

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9 thoughts on “Contact

  1. We are from Austria (Europe). Is there any possibility to make this treatment in Europe? my Daughter has scoliosis (51/41°) Thanks

  2. Hallo Christina,
    würde mich freuen wenn Du Deine Erfahrung mit anderen Patienten teilen möchtest.
    Ich bin ebenso Skoliose Patientin und habe im letzten Jahr ein Magazin mit dem Titel RÜCKENzeit heraus gegeben. Du kannst mal rein blättern unter
    Weitere Infos zu meiner Selbsthilfearbeit findest Du auch unter
    Ich würde mich freuen, wenn wir einen Report über Dich und Deinen Aufenthalt in den USA machen könnten.

    Liebe Grüße von Iris

    • Hallo Iris,
      sry, für die späte Antwort. Das mit dem Report finde ich eine super Idee. Ich melde mich die nächsten Tage noch mal über deine E-mailadresse.

  3. Hi from Australia. Just wondering how your scoliosis curve has improved from the boot camp as it has been one year on now. We are looking at options for my daughter. Thanks Nikki

    • Hi Nikki,
      unfortunately I cannot tell you any numbers. Because I haven´t seen a doctor since the bootcamp and I don´t have current x-rays. But I can tell you I am feeling better than ever. Trusting the clear method was my best choice. The results are finally lasting.
      Before I found out about the bootcamp programm I had practised Schroth for more than 15 years and I had had brace treatment. I worked really hard on my back, but my spine was not stable. When I became tired or did not think about controlling my posture I collapsed. The correction of my spine was not lasting.
      Today I know why, the “correct” posture was not stored in my brain( in the part for postural control).
      I am convinced the Clear method is the most developed non-chirurgical scoliosis treatment.
      If you wanna learn more about the Clear method or your daugthers case just ask one of the Clear doctors. They arrange a phone cunsult without any commitment. They are very friendly:-)
      I also have some pre- and after pics on my german blog…
      And if you have any futher question, I am happy to help.
      Regards Christina

  4. I’m really interested if there are any studies which show that climbing has a positive effect on scoliosis? (i have about a 20-30 degree curve – or used to, anyway – i haven’t gotten checked in a while). I’ve been climbing pretty hard in the gym for over a year now. I never really thought about the effect it was having on my back. Also, how exactly does it affect our balance? thanks

    • Hey Madeline!
      Unfortunately I don´t know about any studies, but it would be very interesting. My Back just felt much more stable after I started climbing. Have you noticed any difference? Maybe one day we ´ll do a study how climbing affects scoliosis and I´ll get back to you. 😉

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